Friday, March 21, 2008

Mittens - Lost & Found

Last week was not fun - I'm sure Mittens would tell you if she could. One minute, she's safe in Lori's home, hanging out with her foster brother Sam, sleeping on the couch, etc. The next, she sneaks out the back door and embarks on an excellent adventure that all things considered, could have been worse but definitely could have been better!

It seems after Mittens left Lori's house (in Falls Church) she headed for Fairlington (where I live - a good 6 miles away from Lori's and across many busy roads including I-395). We had multiple sitings of her over a few days, but were never able to catch her. After a week of searching by many GoodDog Rescue volunteers and Fairlington neighbors (my legs are still trying to recover from all the walking!) and setting up a trap in my back yard (thank goodness I didn't catch any other critters) we got word that someone had found her. A nice person one neighborhood over from me found her and took her in. It was about 2 days before they put the pieces of the puzzle together and we were reunited with her, much to everyone's relief. And not only would these nice people not accept any reward for taking such good care of her, they made a $100 donation to GoodDog Rescue.

Somewhere along the way however, Mittens had a run in with a car. One of her hind legs was injured and the hip joint was pushed forward out of its socket. So as soon as Theresa from GoodDog picked her up, she took her to the vet where she had surgery to fix her broken hip. She is now recovering for a couple days with Julie and me and I really think might just be the perfect dog. She is so quiet and calm, all she does is sleep all day, which is exactly what she needs to be doing right now so that she heals. We've got her on pain medication and are doing our best to fatten her up some (she doesn't hold a candle to Sam - aka "the fat one").

Thankfully its not too cold out because as you can see, the vet had to shave her rear end for the surgery. Fortunately they expect her to make a full recovery and be running on all 4 legs in no time. Now we just need to find her a forever home where she can go back to sleeping on couches and be loved for the amazing dog she is!

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