Sunday, April 6, 2008

Scientology - The Study of Truth

The truth of the matter is, dating SUCKS! I hate it and was reminded tonight of why. A few weeks ago, while out on a bike ride, I was passed by a guy on his bike who stopped to bike with me for a stretch and chat. After about 20 min or so, when we were about to part ways he asked me out. I said sure, he seemed nice enough so I figured I might as well.

So, Date #1. I thought he was a very nice guy, but was somewhat undecided about whether I wanted to go out with him a second time. But he emailed me and asked me out again, so I decided what the heck, I'll go out with him one more time before ruling him out entirely.

Date #2. We went out to dinner tonight at one of my favorite restaurants - Lauriol Plaza in DC. After leaving the restaurant, we were standing on the street corner about to head different directions and saying good night when he asks me "Are you a religious person?" Ummm....hmmm...caught entirely off guard, I stood there pondering for a moment about how best to answer the question. Before I could answer he asked me how I was raised and I replied "Methodist." Then he proceeds to reach into his coat pocket and pull out a DVD on Scientology (see picture) that he says he thought I might be interested in.

Huh? I'm thinking to myself as he rambles on about scientology, is he trying to recruit me or something? It seems he arrived at the restaurant early, so he went into a scientology museum or something to kill time before dinner because he'd always been interested in learning more about it (and apparently thought I had some burning desire to learn more about it too....) Then he proceeds to show me a card with details about an open house and free tours of the place. I asked him how he was raised....Catholic.

I don't get it. I really don't get it at all. But I will say one thing for the date, I've spent the last 2 hours laughing hysterically on the phone with friends who can't believe the story. Ahh...if only I were making it up!

There will be no date #3.

But here's the link for anyone who might be interested in ordering their own copy of the DVD...

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