Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Class of '98 - 10 years later

This past weekend was my 10 year Sweet Briar reunion. All classes that graduated in years ending in 3 or 8 were on campus reliving their college days. I have to say, it seemed like 4 years crammed into 2 days all over again. When I first arrived (after 5 hrs in the car when it shouldn't have been more than 3) I was tired and cranky. I quickly found my classmates sipping margaritas and chatted with a few before we all headed to the "Vixen Den" - a new room off the new, charm-lacking Bistro. There we proceeded to have a class meeting, over more drinks, and call a few parents so that we could break the fundraising participation record held by the Class of 1971.

I have to say, I felt like the first 24 hrs. were like freshman year all over again. I didn't like it and I just wanted to go home. With the exception of Page, my closest Sweet Briar friends couldn't attend reunion. It was good to catch up with my other classmates, but after a few minutes of figuring out where each was and what they were up to, I ran out of things to say!

Our class was in Dew for the weekend, the dorm I lived in sophomore year. It's been renovated since (the bathrooms are a definite improvement) but without all the typical things one fills a dorm room with, it seemed stark, empty and yucky. Thankfully I remembered my flip flops for the shower. Between the hall bathrooms and people coming back late, drunk and making tons of noise, I have to say I am so glad I don't live in a dorm any more! I love my nice, quiet house!

Saturday afternoon however, my mood changed. I went riding! Not a bicycle, but a horse! I have got to get back into lessons! I was a little nervous at first, having checked the box on the registration form indicating that I have been riding regularly this year. Once counts as regularly, doesn't it? It was 75 degrees and sunny and beautiful and I was on a gorgeous chestnut named Bud. I'd forgotten how beautiful Sweet Briar's horses are. They are so spoiled and pampered there. We went for a trail ride across the beautiful wide open fields for about an hour and Bud was perfect the whole time.

Saturday evening was the big event - dinner and dancing. Some of my favorite professors showed up as well as a few additional classmates. I stuffed myself silly and can't believe I have needed to eat anything else this week at all!!

Sunday morning, determining that there was no better setting for a 2 hr Ironman training run/walk, I walked/ran "The Dairy" (a 3 mile loop past the dairy barns and the stable) and some of the hiking trails. It was awesome! I wish I could do all my runs there.

After continuing to stuff myself at breakfast and lunch, I got back in the car to drive home. All in all a good weekend, but I'm not going again without Erikka, Erin, and Kim. :-)

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