Friday, September 5, 2008

Hello Cupcake - Goodbye Dense, Dry GF Cupcake

After reading the rave reviews of a new cupcake shop that just opened up last week in Dupont Circle, I decided I had to taste for myself. This is no ordinary cupcake shop you see, in addition to their regular gluten filled varieties, they sell gluten free cupcakes!

So while I was in the middle of reading a very dull, dense report at work yesterday, all I could think about was how I had to try these cupcakes. (Yes, I'm slightly food/sweet obsessed.) After calling to confirm that at 2pm they still had some GF cupcakes left, I headed for the metro (boring reading material in hand for the ride).

45 min and $15 later ($12 for 4 cupcakes (why go all that way for just one?!) and $3 for the metro fare) I opened up my box of cupcakes and devoured what was absolutely THE BEST cupcake I have EVER had - gluten filled or gluten free. It was phenomenal! Who knew anything made out of rice flour could taste so good? You have no idea the challenge of gluten free baking. I was in absolute heaven. The flavor this week for the GF cupcakes was carrot cake, one of my favorites. I can hardly wait until Monday when I will call and find out what next week's flavor is. I'm hoping for something with chocolate!

And though I was tempted to keep every one of my cupcakes for myself, feeling so deprived of good cupcakes for so long, I dropped one off at my GF friend Linda's house, who declared I must be the nicest person she knows. Awwww.... She too thought it was the best cupcake she'd ever had.

So, yet another story to add to the list of the lengths (and expense) I go to for good sweets!

And after a good dose of sugar, I finally managed to slug through that report.


Unknown said...

HEY! Let me know next time you go! I live about 3 miles from there....

Ready for the Savage beating?!

Jim D said...


A fellow brought me a chocolate and peanut butter cupcake from this place today and it was great.
