Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Great Dog Paddle

Labor Day in Fairlington is the last day of the summer pool season, and the last 15 minutes the pool is open is designated the Dog Swim. All the canine neighbors head to the pool for some good wet fun.

I honestly had no idea there were so many dogs in my neighborhood. I have never seen so many wet dogs in one place before - it was chaos, but so funny to watch!

Since I was babysitting Sam all weekend, he got to go to the dog swim. After hearing all the stories about him at the lake in Wisconsin this summer, I had high expectations that he'd be the first dog in and would have by far the best dog paddle around.

I guess if you're a dog, pools and lakes are somewhat different, starting with the fact that there's no beach entry to the pool. Sam was not about to just jump off the deck into the pool, and Lori and I were initially unsuccessful at enticing him with tennis balls. So we headed to the baby pool, thinking that would get him started. Only he didn't want to have anything to do with that either. But once Lori went and stood in the middle of the baby pool, he started to feel differently and with a little push from me, in he went. And out almost as fast!

Next we moved onto the big kid pool. With a good push from Lori, Sam fell right into the pool and swam after a ball, demonstrating a perfect dog paddle that would have won him a gold medal in the Doggie Olympics. We will have to work on his start though!

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