Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I must be crazy to do this again!!

Well, once again I am packing up my bike and will be hauling it through airports around the globe. I leave tomorrow for Zurich, Switzerland where I will be competing in Ironman Switzerland on Sunday, July 13.

My bike always looks so sad all disassembled and in the case. :-(

Zurich is 6 hrs. ahead of EDT. You can follow my race online at www.ironmanlive.com. They should be posting splits throughout the day. Due to a few nagging injuries and a race day forecast of 70 and rain.....I have no idea what to expect and have no expectations. I just hope I finish! Hopefully I will finish before the 16 hr. cutoff. For some reason the Swiss felt the need to trim the standard 17 hrs cutoff to 16 hrs. I can only hope it's a sign of a fast course!

If you want to get a sense of what the venue looks like in Zurich, and a glimpse of the craziness that is Ironman, there is an 8 min video of Ironman Switzerland 2007 on youtube at:


In addition, if you want to get a better sense of what it's like to swim with 2000+ of your closest friends, :-) (always a good time!) check out the first few seconds of this 3 min video of Ironman Hawaii.


You can also find more information regarding the schedule of events, course descriptions, etc. on the Ironman Switzerland website.

Theresa is also racing - thank goodness, because I surely could not have trained for an Ironman without her! And I seriously would not have even signed up in the first place if it wasn't for the email I received one day last October with the subject line that read "Sign up!!!!!", which had me shouting expletives from my office before I even opened the email. Obviously, I succumbed to the peer pressure once again. And this time it even looks like Amy will make it to the start line of the race....4th time's a charm for her (knock on wood!).

We will be traveling around Switzerland for a week or so after the race and will then head to Poland for another week to visit our friend Heather who lives in Warsaw. Should be a fun trip, I'll be glad when the race is over!

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