Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Office Olympics

So this summer I finally had the opportunity to bring the Office Olympics (which were held at SRI) to EEI, complete with synchronized chair dancing. :-) I had been planning this for 4 years!!

Each division competed as its own country (complete with national anthem - ours was BTO's "Taking Care of Business") and sent representatives to participate in a variety of individual and team events such as the Equestrian Event, Wastepaper Basketball, and the Pencil Javelin Throw, to name a few.

The Olympics kicked off with a pizza lunch at the Opening Ceremonies and concluded with an ice cream social for the Closing Ceremonies, and as I said after the Games at SRI - I've never had so much fun at work!!

Somehow I got talked into participating in the Synchronized Chair Dancing with others in my division, which of course was captured on video. (username eeivideo password edison)

The judging was as scandalous as the Olympics Gymnastics judging, but what else would you expect! Our team "BOGolia"wound up with the bronze medal (reasonable) but the team that should have won ("AndTigua" - our Accounting and Technology group) had the misfortune of going first, and thus finished last. Definitely check out their routine if you get a chance. The Marshall Islands (our Communications group) took the silver medal and their performance is entertaining as well. If you can't tell, most of our songs have an electric theme to them (since I work for an electricity organization) and the A&T groups songs all have to do with accounting and technology.

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