Sunday, March 1, 2009


So for our first date, I went to Pennsylvania. For our second date, Tom came to Virginia. For our third date, it only made sense that we meet in middle. Delaware.

A day after returning home from visiting me in Virginia, I got a call from Tom who asked "Joanne Hopkins, would you like to go on a date with me?"

Joanne: "Yes, I would."

Tom: "Great, Thursday, Friday, or Sunday?"

Joanne: "Well, that depends."

Tom: "No it doesn't depend, do you want to go on a date with me or not?"

Ok, so after a bit of back and forth, it was determined that we would meet in Wilmington on Sunday to see the play Copenhagen, put on by the Delaware Theater Company. Tom had been telling me about it over the weekend and how much he thought I would like it. He did some research and discovered it was playing in Wilmington. Perfect!

The play is a fictional account of a real life conversation that took place between Neils Bohr and Werner Heisenberg during WWII when each was working on research that would eventually lead to the creation of the atomic bomb. It was a great play that focuses on the intersection of science and ethics and leaves you pondering the subject long after the play is over. I loved it!

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